Product Overview: Parakeet swing

There are plenty of toys and accessories we can get our feathered friends. PARAKEET SWING is one of those accessories.
In this article I will share my experience with the parakeet swing as well as mention a few of the risks.
Places to buy from: Worldwide –
The Netherlands & Belgium – &
Material: Wooden perch, sometimes with additional wooden or plastic beads and other shapes
Size: Various
Weight: Various, starting from 40 grams
Suitable for: Small to medium-sized parakeets
Quality vs price: 9 out of 10
Parakeet swing – product review
Parakeets, including my green cheek conure parrot love to swing.
My parrot for example would hang off our sleeves and would enjoy his ride. How about that parakeet swing? 🙂
Plus, different swings come with a variety of additional parrot accessories like: BELLS, BEADS and ROPES.
Therefore, our feathered friends get the chance not only to swing but also to play and have fun!
Oh and did I mention, the swing perch is made of natural wood, which means it is also healthy for our beloved pets.
What is a parakeet swing?
The swing is the place to PLAY, REST, SLEEP, STAND ON, HANG OFF OF, you name it!
My parrot has three swings and each of them has its own role.
There is one swing full of plastic beads and two bells that he likes playing with. That is the FUN SWING.

There is another swing that has no perch, it is round, filled with wooden beads and a rope hanging off of it. That is the RESTING or the CHILL swing.

Yet the third one is slightly too big for my parakeet. It has colorful wooden beads all around and a wooden perch (that is too big for his little feet).
Mommy got that one online and did not realize it would be that big. Yet it serves as an ADDITIONAL STEP BETWEEN TWO PERCHES in the cage.
Who is the parakeet swing for?
The parakeet swing is for…you guessed it, small parakeets and other small birds.
It is for any small sized parrot looking for a FUN ACCESSORY in his cage.
It is for a caring owner who wants to give his/her bird a variety of toys and accessories that DEVELOP the parakeet’s CURIOSITY, PLAYFULNESS and HEALTH.
Why buy a parakeet swing?
It comes in many shapes and forms and there is a swing for each parakeet!
It is so much fun to PLAY with and STAND on.
See below the Pro’s and Con’s as concluded by my green cheek conure parakeet Elvis:
1. There is a variety of swings for small birds
Each and any parakeet can find just the right fit.
It is important to observe how the bird interacts with the swing. If the bird slips off the perch, there is a chance the swing might be too big for your parakeet.
If your bird avoids getting near the swing even after a few days, chances are there is something about the swing that scares your parakeet.
2. Swings with many beads and bells
By far this type is my parakeet’s favorite.
There are just so many options and ways to play with one swing.
3. Great value for money
Assuming the right size, a swing brings many play options for your bird and so much fun with it.
4. Rich in bright colors
Most of the swings come with a multitude of colors.
Some have the beads colored in all the colors of the rainbow.
Others have the strings and ropes in many colors.
Small disclaimer: Watch out for the materials of the ropes. Choose natural ones. Watch your bird’s behavior and the state of the rope over time. There have been cases of rope ingestion that led to surgeries and deaths in birds.

1. Can cause accidents
In case the swing is too big for your parakeet, the small feet could slip off the perch.
That could lead to falls or other accidents.
2. Long strings at the end of the ropes
Some swings come with long strings hanging off their ropes.
When my parakeet was only a few months old, he caught his foot in one of the swing strings.
Luckily it all ended without any serious injury. Just a good scare and an urgent visit to the vet.
>>You can WATCH my video on the accident HERE<<
We solved it by cutting the strings shorter. That kept the FUN for my bird while making the swing much SAFER.
3. Watch out for the bells
Sometimes, when playing with bells, parrots can remove the clapper.
The clapper could then be swallowed or choked on.
It is important to get the RIGHT SIZE of swing (and bells) for your parakeet.
Additionally, any toys containing bells could be placed outside of the cage, so that the bird plays with them always under supervision.
Concluding on parakeet swings
Parakeet swings are a great idea when providing our feathered friends with a fun and engaging accessory inside and outside their cages.
It swings, it is colorful, it is made of natural wood and therefore a great addition for your bird.
Despite the Cons described above, the parakeet swing can become your parrot’s favorite playing spot that is colorful and safe.
FOLLOW THE LINKS BELOW and get your parakeet a fun accessory with colorful beads TODAY:
Amazon US:
HONBAY Wooden Bird Swing Perch Parrot Hanging Toy for Small Sized Birds
Amazon NL:
Vogelspeelgoed schommel met kralen en 2x bel
Trixie boogschommel met bonte blokjes hout
Happy pet speelgoed papegaai cartwheel assorti
WATCH how my bird interacts with his FUN SWING in the video below:
I hope the information above and my own experience has helped you make the RIGHT DECISION. Please let me know in the COMMENTS below whether your bird loves his/her swing just as much as my bird does. I am happy to LEARN FROM YOU!
To all the Parrot Lovers,
Founder of Best Parrot Toys
Disclaimer: I am not a parrot expert therefore the information in this site represents my opinion based on my experience. Please do not make decisions based solely on my articles. It helps to do further research.
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