The Joy of Keeping Finches as Pets: A Complete Guide

Keeping finches as pets is a wonderful way to add some color and beauty to your life. These small and lively birds are known for their bright and vibrant plumage, as well as their melodious songs. They make great companions and can bring a lot of joy to your life.

By the end of this article, you will have a complete understanding of what it takes to keep finches as pets and be well-equipped to provide them with the best possible care.

Finches as Pets - featured image

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Understanding Finches As Pets

Finches are a diverse group of birds, with many different species found all over the world. Some of the most popular finches kept as pets include the zebra finch, society finch, canary, and Gouldian finch. 

Finches as Pets - zebra finch
Finches as Pets – Zebra finch
Finches as Pets - society finch
Finches as Pets – Society finch
Finches as Pets - canary
Finches as Pets – Canary
Finches as Pets - Gouldian finch
Finches as Pets – Gouldian finch

Each species has its own unique characteristics, such as plumage color, size, and song, making it important to do your research and choose a species that suits your lifestyle and preferences.

In the wild, finches are typically found in wooded areas and grasslands, where they feed on seeds and insects. They are known for their flocking behavior, and they are very social birds. They are active during the day and enjoy singing and displaying courtship behaviors. They are also known for their acrobatic abilities, often seen hanging upside down while foraging for food.

Understanding the natural habitat and behavior of finches will help you to create a suitable environment for them in captivity and to provide them with the necessary stimulation to keep them happy and healthy.

Choosing the Right Finch

When choosing a finch, it is important to consider factors such as size, plumage color, song, and overall personality. Some finches are more active and vocal, while others are shyer. 

For beginners, species such as the zebra finch and society finch are great options. They are relatively hardy, easy to care for, and have a pleasant song. They are also small in size, making them suitable pet birds for those with limited space. The canary is another great option for beginners; they have a beautiful song and are relatively easy to care for. The Gouldian finch is also a great option, they are known for their bright and vibrant plumage, but they are more delicate and require more attention and care. It is important to research the specific needs of each species before making a decision, so you can choose one that best fits your lifestyle and experience level.

Setting up a Finch Habitat

The ideal environment for finches includes a spacious cage with plenty of room for them to fly and perch, as well as a variety of toys and perches for stimulation. The cage should be located in a well-lit area, but away from direct sunlight and drafts. Finches also need fresh food and water daily, and their cage should be cleaned regularly to ensure their health and well-being.

To create a safe and comfortable habitat for your finch, it is important to provide them with plenty of perches of different sizes and textures, toys, and other items that will keep them mentally and physically stimulated. A variety of food and water dishes should be provided, and they should be cleaned and refilled daily. 

It’s also a good idea to provide a nest box or a hideaway, which will give your finch a sense of security and privacy. 


Five IMPORTANT Things to Know When Having Small Birds As Pets (Part 1)

Five IMPORTANT Things to Know When Having Small Birds As Pets (Part 2)

Finch Care

The daily care needs of finches include providing fresh food and water, maintaining a clean cage, and providing plenty of toys and perches for stimulation. Finches also need plenty of light, so it is important to place their cage in a well-lit area. Social interaction is also important for finches, so it is a good idea to spend time with your bird each day.

To maintain a healthy and happy finch, it is important to provide a balanced diet that includes a variety of seeds, fruits, and vegetables. 

Related: List Of Safe Foods For Parrots to Keep Your Bird Happy and Healthy

They also require fresh water to be changed daily. Their cage should be cleaned regularly to ensure their health and well-being.

It is also important to provide your finch with plenty of toys and perches to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Training and bonding with your finch can also help to keep them happy and healthy.

Additionally, it is also important to monitor your finch’s behavior and appearance, any changes can indicate an illness or stress. It is important to take them to a vet as soon as possible if you notice any changes. Regular vet check-ups are also recommended to ensure your finch is healthy and to catch any issues early on.

Finch Training

Training a finch to do tricks can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your pet. Some simple tricks that finches can learn include stepping up onto a finger, flying to a specific perch, and playing games like fetch. Training your finch to do tricks can also help to strengthen the bond between you and your pet.

Positive reinforcement is the key to successful finch training. This means using treats, praise, or other rewards to encourage desired behavior. For example, if you are teaching your finch to step up onto your finger, you can give them a treat or praise them when they do so correctly. It’s important to be patient and consistent during training and to keep the training sessions short and fun.

It is also important to keep in mind that finches are small birds with short attention spans, so it is important to keep the training sessions short and not expect too much from them at once. Be patient and consistent during training and keep the training sessions short and fun. Gradual progress is the key to success, and not expect too much from them at once.


Finch Health

Common health issues that finches may develop include bacterial and fungal infections, feather picking, mites, and malnutrition. Additionally, finches are also prone to respiratory problems and tumors. These conditions can be caused by poor diet, lack of proper care, poor living conditions, and other factors.

To keep your finch healthy, it’s important to recognize the signs of illness early on. Some signs to look out for include lethargy, weight loss, changes in appetite, feather loss, and difficulty breathing. It’s important to take your finch to a vet if you notice any of these signs, as early diagnosis and treatment can improve the chances of recovery.

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In addition to regular vet check-ups, keeping a clean cage, providing a balanced diet, providing plenty of toys and perches, and providing plenty of social interaction can help to keep your finch healthy. It’s also important to keep an eye on your finch’s behavior and appearance and to take them to a vet if you notice any changes.

Overall, proper care and attention are the keys to keeping your finch healthy and happy.

Why Finches are Good Pet Birds for Beginners

Finches are small, easy-to-care-for birds that are perfect for beginners. They are low maintenance, and their small size makes them easy to handle and care for. They are also relatively inexpensive to care for, with a smaller cage and minimal equipment required. They also have a relatively low cost of food and veterinary care.

Finches are also known to be hardy birds, they are able to adapt well to different living conditions and are less prone to diseases as compared to other larger parrots. They are also less demanding than larger parrots, so they are perfect for beginners who may not have a lot of time to devote to their pets.

Finches are also known to be social birds, they are happy in pairs or small groups and are known to form strong bonds with their owners. They are also known to be active, playful, and full of energy, which makes them great companions for beginners who want an active pet.

Finches are also known to be great pets for people who live in apartments or small homes, their small size allows them to be housed in smaller cages, and they do not require large spaces to fly and move around.


In summary, finches are small, easy-to-care-for birds that make great pets for beginners. They are low maintenance, hardy, and have a relatively low cost of care. They are also known to be social birds, which makes them great companions. Proper care and attention are the keys to keeping your finch healthy and happy.

Keeping finches as pets can be a wonderful experience that brings joy and companionship to your life. 

How do you care for your finch? Let me know in the comments below!

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Founder of Best Parrot Toys


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